Letter to the editor: Who really is Kamala Harris?


Kamala Harris is a West coast elitist. Forbes Magazine estimates her net worth at $8 million dollars and she has pension benefits totaling $1 million dollars.

Harris supports:

Open borders and giving illegal aliens citizenship.

The green new deal and electric cars. She is against coal, fracking, oil drilling and the Keystone pipeline.

National health care. Do you want the government making your healthcare decisions and deciding who gets health care and who doesn’t?

The killing of preborn babies through the ninth month of pregnancy. Kamala labels killing preborn babies as “reproductive rights?”

Advocates for defunding the police and eliminating ICE. Harris has called for ending mandatory minimum sentencing, cash bail, and the death penalty. She encouraged contributions to a fund to bailout Black Life Matters rioters. While Harris was vice president, violent crime nationwide increase 43 percent and rape is up 60 percent.

Advocates for gun control with universal background checks and banning assault weapons.

Her first presidential campaign ended on Dec. 19, 2019 when internal turmoil plagued her campaign with aides accusing Harris of mistreating staff with sudden layoffs.

Ninety-two percent of the initial 17 staff members hired by VP Harris left over the past 3.5 years.

Ms. Harris’s approval rating as vice president hit a historic low approval rating at 28 percent. At the DNC, reporters asked attendees to name Harris’ favorite policy, and none of them could name anything she has done as vice president the past four years.

Would you vote for someone who has no policies and no idea on how to run our country because you don’t like Donald Trump’s personality? It defies logic.

Months ago, the media portrayed Kamala Harris as a joke, and now say she is the greatest politician in the world.

Did she secure the border as Border Czar? Does she hold some responsibility with Biden for the men, women and children who came across the border illegally and were sold into sexual slavery?

Kamala Harris boasts she was the last person in the room and helped President Biden decide the Afghanistan troop withdrawal strategy. This was a serious military blunder and 13 American soldiers lost their lives in the exit from Afghanistan.

Kamala Harris never met with the Gold Star Families of the 13 brave soldiers who died. Trump has met with many of the families on several occasions and given them his support, acknowledged their loss and worked to get these men and women the honor they are due as American heroes.

Has Kamala Harris lied over and over again? Can we trust Harris who changes her position daily on issues and won’t have press conferences or interviews with reports who will question her and hold accountable for her record as VP?

She is the most liberal Senator and vice president in American history and wants to lead our country into socialism then communism.

JD Vance wrote that “Ms. Harris has never created a business. She had never worked her butt off to become wealthy.”

He continued, “Kamala Harris cannot speak off the cuff for more than 30 seconds before she spirals into a circular word salad of meaningless nonsense or erupts into a nervous cackling laughter.” This has happened time and time again when you see her speaking on TV.

Would she make a strong Commander in Chief?

Kamala Harris needs to answer for the Biden-Harris administration record. Under Biden-Harris, our economy is a disaster, inflation and unemployment sky rocking and government spending is out of control!

In June 2024, Ms. Harris’s Wikipedia page was edited 408 times! This is far more than any other candidate on the shortlist for the presidency. The edits mostly made by one person had scrubbed controversial information from her past, including her record on crime when she was DA and her decision not to prosecute Steve Mnuchin for financial fraud in 2013.

Also, in 2004 Kamala Harris declined to pursue the death penalty against a man who murdered San Francisco police officer Issac Espinoza. At his funeral, Senator Diane Feinstein delivered a eulogy in which she criticized Kamala Harris, who was in the audience, Feinstein got a standing ovation from the hundreds of officers in attendance. Kamala Harris would be shunned by police unions for the next decade.

Don’t let the media who support Kamala Harris influence your opinion on her competency to be president.

Be informed, discern, pray and vote!

Colleen Tebbe

Anna OH

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