City notes: 2025-2029 Five year plan to be discussed


On Tuesday, Sidney City Council will discuss the 2025-2029 Five-Year Financial Plan. The city of Sidney has a time-honored tradition of creating a five-year budgetary cycle.

Through this plan, the Council will craft and shape what the city will look like well into the future. This policy also allows the Council to forecast our operating and capital expenditures so that the city will make sound and conservative decisions along the way.

In building a balanced Five-Year Plan, special attention has been given to projects, equipment and staffing which focus on achieving the strategic priorities adopted by City Council and Comprehensive Plan strategies.

Again, this year, staff has been challenged to list must-do projects, equipment and staffing, and dream-to-do projects equipment and staffing requests. This process is the culmination of countless hours of hard work and labor by several staff members.

Their time, deliberation, and dedication are what helps keep our city fiscally secure and guides every decision we make. Many assumptions must be used to prepare a Five-Year Plan. The more important of these assumptions include:

• Maintaining minimum cash fund balance reserves to preserve financial integrity

• Moderate growth in income tax collections

• Moderate fee and utility revenue charges

• Cost increases to remain at moderate levels

• Voter adoption of the proposed public safety and street maintenance levies

Fall hydrant flushing schedule announced

The City of Sidney Water Department’s fall hydrant flushing schedule will begin on Sept. 9. Flushing of the City’s fire hydrants will be done between the hours of 8 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. The program will continue for approximately three weeks. Inclement weather may cause delays.

• MONDAY, September 9 – Area surrounded by Fielding Road on the south, Brooklyn Ave. on the west, the Water Treatment Plant on the east and Dingman-Slagle Rd on the north.

• TUESDAY, September 10 – Area surrounded by Fielding Rd and SR 29 on the north, Brooklyn Ave on the west and south to the city limits including Shelby Hills Schools.

• WEDNESDAY, September 11 – Area surrounded by Broadway Ave on the east, Russell Rd on the north, North St on the south boundary and N Ohio and Wapakoneta Ave on the west.

• THURSDAY, September 12 – Area surrounded by Jefferson St on the south, Broadway Ave on the west, the Miami River and SR 47 to the east and north to Parkwood.

• FRIDAY, September 13 – Area surrounded by Broadway Ave on the east, Russell Rd on the south, Wapakoneta Ave on the west and north to the city limits.

Residents in the immediate flushing area may experience a short temporary drop in pressure and could notice some discoloration in the water. It is advisable not to do laundry in this area during the flushing period.

If you experience severe problems as a result of the hydrant flushing, contact the Water Treatment Plant at 937-498-8127.

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