Out of the past: Sept. 4


125 Years Ago

Sept. 4, 1899

John E. Bush, J.S. Laughlin and Jess Laughlin went to the Lewistown reservoir this morning to spend a few days fishing.

FOR RENT: House with good barn, cistern and well. Enquire at Piper’s Big Store. – adv’t.

FOR SALE: Two good cows, one is just fresh. Enquire of Frank Elliott at the Wagner House. – adv’t.

100 Years Ago

Sept. 4, 1924

Ralph Elliott is giving a big Halloween celebration Oct. 30. He is doing all in his power for this to be one of the largest affairs in this part of Ohio. There will be a big street parade, music by the big Sidney band, and everything any person would want for a big night of fun.

FOR RENT: Seven room house, north Walnut Ave. At top of hill. Rent $22.50 per month. Phone 685. adv’t.

FOR SALE: I have 4 Airedale pups 10 months old. Why have two or three dogs when you can get one that is good for all purposes? These pups have some experience trailing game and fur bearing animals. Perry Stengel, Phone B287. – adv’t.

75 Years Ago

Sept. 4, 1949

Gerald Bladen is well-known to many of the folks in this community. Popular because he always has a smile and a cheery word. He is one of the Omar men who in those bright red Omar trucks – bring delicious Omar Breads and Pastries fresh from the Omar ovens – right to your door! – adv’t.

Members of the Sidney High School band enjoyed attending the Ohio State-Indiana football game. The trip was made possible through public subscription and parent coop- eration.

CIDER MAKING I will make cider Wednesday of each week. Dan Herring, 1/4 mile south of route 47 at Beehive church and 1/2 mile west. Pemberton, Ohio. – adv’t.

Democratic Impartiality Our service is for all people whatever their social or financial standing may be. Dearth Funeral Home. 201 N. Main Ave. Phone 2208-1. adv’t.

50 Years Ago

Sept. 4, 1974

LOCKINGTON – Contrary to a recommendation of the township’s zoning board, Washington Township Trustees last night unanimously rejected Spring Creek Gravel Co.’s bid for a new gravel mining operation near Lockington. Board clerk Richard Nishwitz said trustees were not completely convinced mining would not affect local wells.

A committee from TEMPO (The Elected Music Parents’ Organization) is attempting to revive the 400 Club. The 400 Club was started many years ago with the purpose of getting 400 people to purchase memberships, with the money going toward band uniforms at first, and later for other needs in the music departments at Sidney High School and the Sidney Middle Schools.

25 Years Ago

Sept. 4, 1999

Four Shelby County officeholders have filed candidate petitions for new terms in their posts with the Shelby County Board of Elections. The primary elections are set for March 7. The date was changed from May for the Ohio presidential primaries. The new terms will begin Jan. 1, 2001. Seeking four-year terms are Mary Ellen Allenbaugh, Shelby County treasurer; Janet M. Becker, Shelby County recorder; Judy A. Snodgrass, Shelby County clerk of courts; and Robert B. Geuy, Shelby County engineer

The Sidney High School Marching Band Fundraising – Committee is sponsoring a Bowling and Laser Tag Extravaganza on Sunday from 8 to 11 p.m. at the Holiday Bowling and Family Fun Center, 1400 W. Michigan St. Tickets can be purchased at the door or in advance by calling 492- 6701. Funds raised will be used to send the Sidney High School marching band to the Outback Bowl on New Year’s Day. The band will also represent Sidney at Disney and EPCOT. Tickets will be $12. Pizzas will be available for $5 and soft drinks for $1, including refills.

These news items from past issues of the Sidney Daily News are compiled by the Shelby County Historical Society (937-498-1653) as a public service to the community. Local history on the Internet! www.shelbycountyhistory.org. Visit the Sidney Daily News website, www.sidneydailynews.com to read the rest of the week’s columns.

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