Out of the past: Sept. 7


125 Years Ago

Sept. 7, 1899

The Sidney elevators will close Wednesday, Thursday and Friday afternoons during the fair.

Sweet potatoes 25 cents per peck at Sullivan Bros. – adv’t.

Fred Cunningham will receive eighty carrier pigeons from Cleveland tomorrow evening. He will liberate them near the Big Four depot about 6:30 o’clock Sunday morning.

Louis R. Wagner is in New York laying in a stock of goods for the Arcade.

100 Years Ago

Sept. 7, 1924

The Farmers Telephone has been placed in the Anna School House. The number is 538. In cases of necessity use this phone to call your children, but the Superintendent has requested that the phone not be used just for visiting. The best time to call the school house is from 8 a.m. to 9:15 a.m. At this time the Superintendent is always in his office, and can answer any calls that are made.

Fountain Park and Lang’s Swimming Pool in Piqua was the scene of much merrymaking Thursday when employees of the Thedieck Dept. Store held their annu- al picnic. When the closing bell sounded the jolly party filled a special car of the Western Ohio. The car was covered with bunting and several banners with “Thedieck’s” on them. The clerks very enthusiastically gave the store yell “Thedieck’s Sidney” by spelling out the words when passing through the business district of Piqua.

Eat your Sunday dinner at the dining hall on the fair grounds. Fried chicken, candied sweet potatoes, mashed potatoes, gravy, slaw, hot rolls, homemade cake, ice cream, coffee. 75 cents. – adv’t.

75 Years Ago

Sept. 7, 1949

A handsome cement block structure with 3,200 square feet of display and service space, housing the Sidney Oliver store, will be open for business following fair week, its owner, G.H. Bumgardner, announced today.

Frank Kingseed accepted the gavel as commander of Sidney’s American Legion post 217 last night from Elwood Young, chief of the post for the past two years.

Robert Adams, son of Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Adams, Pemberton, will enter Miami University, Oxford, Sept. 11 in the school of fine arts. He will major in piano. Robert was a piano student of Miss Grace Woodruff.

50 Years Ago

Sept. 7, 1974

John (Zack) Crusey, sports editor of The Sidney Daily News for 26 years before a serious stroke confined him to his home in 1973, was presented the prestigious Governor’s Award for Community Action during halftime ceremonies of the Sidney-Wapakoneta football game at Julia Lamb Stadium Friday evening.

A proposal to allow establishment of a “Community House,” or lodging facility for persons in need of psychiatric assistance, will be aired at the Monday session of the Sidney Zoning Board of Appeals.

25 Years Ago

Sept. 7, 1999

The Shelby County Bassmasters recently held its annual Bob Sparks Memorial Bass Tournament on Grand Lake St. Marys. The chairmen this year were Ken Sparks and Phil Jones, both of Sidney. There were 74 paid entries that consisted of two-person teams, and there were 73 that participated in the Big Bass Pot. In addition, there was an early bird drawing, in which 18 took part. The winners were Ed Barhorst and Craig Barhorst, both of Piqua. The tournament is an annual event that commemorates those longtime club members who have passed away. This year’s tournament honored Sparks, Joe Ciriegio, Dick Grieve and Ralph Bornhorst. The winner of the tournament and the $1,000 first prize was the team of Roy Pifer and Mick Eymer. They caught eight fish that totaled 14.95 pounds. The second place team was made up of two Sidney anglers in Glenn Salsbury and Gary Ginter. They also caught eight fish, and they totaled 14.25 pounds. Third was the team of Ken Conley and Jim Haas, with six fish weighing an even 12 pounds. The Big Bass contest was won by Randy Dickerson, with a fish weigh- ing 4.16 pounds. For that, he received $730.

Jon York of Sidney mists a rack of chicken prepared by Sidney Noon Kiwanis Club members for the 45th consecutive chicken barbecue held Monday at the Shelby County Fairgrounds. There were 3,238 meals sold at the fund-raising event. Dinners were sold out by 5 p.m. Members stayed on the premises until after 6 p.m. issuing refunds to customers who had purchased tickets prior to the day of sale but arrived too late to be served.

These news items from past issues of the Sidney Daily News are compiled by the Shelby County Historical Society (937-498-1653) as a public service to the community. Local history on the Internet! www.shelbycountyhistory.org. Visit the Sidney Daily News website, www.sidneydailynews.com to read the rest of the week’s columns.

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