Out of the past: Sept. 11


125 Years Ago

Sept. 11, 1899

A $10 purchase at Abe Herzstam’s entitles you to a family ticket at the Shelby County fair.

The will of Issac Ketteman, a rich bachelor of Albany, Indiana, was made public yesterday. Among the bequests was $500 to the German Reformed church of Sidney. The Sidney German Reformed congregation has been out of existence about twenty years. The congregation formerly used the church now occupied by the Episcopal congregation.

I will have at the fair ground a – fine display of pianos and organs. P.F. Sarver. -adv’t.

100 Years Ago

Sept. 11, 1924

Jesse Wilson, of N. Miami -avenue, is in Michigan City, Ind., – attending the national meeting of the United Spanish War veterans.

Emphasis placed on home cooking and improved service was such at the convention of the National Restaurant Association from which Mrs. Jennie Voisard has just returned, that she believes it will result in improved accommodations to the people who eat at restaurants, cafeterias, and lunch rooms.

The sixty-fourth annual Shelby County fair opened Wednesday morning with prospects for a good fair and large attendance. L.J. Meyerholz has on display the Victor records and the Victrola, showing the famous and widely advertised Victor dog listening to the Victrola.

75 Years Ago

Sept. 11, 1949

There are 426 diplomas going out to youthful readers in the community who successfully completed the Vacation Reading club requirements this summer of reading 10 books, announces Miss Miriam Ginn, librarian at the Sidney Public Library.

Jackson Center school children have just concluded their first week enjoying their brand new cafeteria where an average of 250 boys and girls had the advantage of hot, tempting, well-balanced lunches for only 20 to 25 cents.

50 Years Ago

Sept. 11, 1974

Supt. Clifford P. Bunnell reported last night to the Shelby County Board of Education that a request was made by Maranatha Academy in Minster to send records of some Shelby County students attending the private school, which is under the auspices of Calvary Chapel Independent Fundamental Church. Bunnell responded to the academy that, although he has no opposition to private schools, he must conform to state laws and mandates and therefore retain student records.

Clean-up and paint-up work is almost finished at the Sherwin- Williams Co. building, 124 N. Main Ave. It is part of the Sidney-Shelby County Chamber of Commerce’s downtown renovation program. The building’s exterior has been painted Cape Hatteras blue and mission ivory. An overhanging was also removed.

25 Years Ago

Sept. 11, 1999

Keith and Deb Goins of Sidney have purchased the Alcove Restaurant, 134 N. Main Ave. The couple took ownership Sept. 1. Deb Cathcart of Sidney has been – hired as manager. The Goins plan to be involved in the day-to-day operation of the eatery. It is their first venture in the restaurant business. Former owner Karen Market and all employees were retained at the business, according to Keith Goins. Market purchased the restaurant from James and Wilma Munson in January of 1995. The Munsons had operated the restaurant for 15 years. Goins said no changes are planned at the restaurant, although adding Friday night dinner hours is being considered. He added, “I heard it was for sale and knew it was a solid business, so we bought it.” Goins is also co- owner of Sidney Landscaping.

RUSSIA The Russia High School varsity cheerleading squad has qualified for the national cheerleading competition of Cheerleaders of America. The Russia cheerleaders attended the Cheerleaders of America camp at Ohio State University where they competed in a cheerleading contest there Aug. 8. It was at that competition that the team qualified for the national competition. The national Cheerleaders of America competition will take place in Jacksonville, Fla., March 17- 19. The contest will be held at the Prime Osborne Convention Center. Other members on the qualifying team are Michele Monnin, Amanda Grilliot, Katie Grogean, Sarah York, Joni Marchal, Heather Gudorf, Autumn Hacker, Kristy Schulze, Abby Monnin and Melissa Breeze. Advisers to the team are Yvonne Debbe and Lisa York. Two of the squad’s members also qualified individually for the competition. Those two members are Brandi Francis, who is also the squad’s captain, and Ali Heffner. Francis also qualified to attend the national competition last year. At last year’s national competition, Francis placed 12th.

These news items from past issues of the Sidney Daily News are compiled by the Shelby County Historical Society (937-498-1653) as a public service to the community. Local history on the Internet! www.shelbycountyhistory.org. Visit the Sidney Daily News website, www.sidneydailynews.com to read the rest of the week’s columns.

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