Photos: Shelby County United Way holds campaign kickoff


Executive Director at the Senior Center of Sidney Shelby County Rachel Hale, left to right, talks about the resources available at the Senior Center during the 2024 United Way campaign kickoff. Listening are Shelby County United Way president and CEO Karla Young, Board Chair Katy Zimpfer, and Campaign Chairs John and Julia Frantz. The kickoff was held on Thursday at the Palazzo in Botkins.

Shelby County United Way Board Chair Katy Zimpfer talks about what the United Way does to help the people of Shelby County during the 2024 United Way campaign kickoff. The kickoff was held on Thursday at the Palazzo in Botkins.

Shelby County United Way Campaign Chair John Frantz announces the 2023 United Way campaign’s top 10 companies during the 2024 United Way campaign kickoff. The kickoff was held on Thursday a the Palazzo in Botkins.

Shelby County United Way president and CEO Karla Young talks during the 2024 United Way campaign kickoff. The kickoff was held on Thursday at the Palazzo in Botkins.

Shelby County United Way Campaign Chair Julia Frantz announces the United Way campaign division leaders during the 2024 United Way campaign kickoff. The kickoff was held on Thursday at the Palazzo in Botkins.

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