Out of the past: Sept. 20

125 Years Ago

Sept. 20, 1899

The Quincy and Sidney bowling teams will bowl a match game at Fountain alleys this evening. The Quincy team having been in constant practice this summer, a hot game may be expected.

Word was received at the post office last evening announcing the appointment of Jess C. Wilson as regular mail carrier. This will make four regular mail carriers for Sidney.

Last Sunday 167 carrier pigeons were liberated at the Big Four depot by J.L. Simmons, official liberator of the Cleveland Homing Pigeon Club. The first bird to arrive at Cleveland was “Lakeview,” who made the 150 air miles in 4 hours, 10 minutes, and 33 seconds.

100 Years Ago

Sept. 20, 1924

The oil field in the western part of Shelby county is being rapidly developed. The territory being developed runs in a northeast and southwest direction. Within about three miles there have been 26 wells drilled and all are producing wells except one, producing oil in paying quantities and are having plenty of gas.

Mr. and Mrs. A.L. Thoma and daughter of Piqua were guests in this city Friday of Adolph Thoma and family.

The Sidney High School team faces one of the best-balanced schedules in years. With five home games and four out of town games the team will have a much better chance to show their colors than last year when only two home games were scheduled.

75 Years Ago

Sept. 20, 1949

Sidney mayor Waldo Patton and Shelby County Republican chairman Roy Fry welcomed Senator and Mrs. Robert A. Taft to Sidney Monday afternoon. The “contest with communism” is the foremost problem facing America today, according to Sen. Taft who addressed an audience of 300 persons at the Masonic temple.

Mayor Patton in a proclamation issued today on behalf of the Sidney Disabled Veterans post 48 urged generous giving by the citizens of Sidney during the annual Forget-Me-Not drive on Saturday.

50 Years Ago

Sept. 20, 1974

James A. Shane, dean of academic services at Edison State College, said teachers there are hired to teach and are not “caught up in the publish or perish syndrome” faced by university professors. He said Edison teachers, who all have at least a Master’s degree, are not expected to publish.

VERSAILLES – Voters in this village defeated a bond issue to build a new elementary school when a special election was held Thursday. The issue was for 5.9 mills, with the issue defeated by a vote of 1,050 to 623.

Holy Angels has joined forces with St. Boniface and St. Marys schools in Piqua to form the Lehman Junior High football team. The squad, coached by St. Marys teacher Stan Miller, competes in the eight-team Three Rivers Conference.

25 Years Ago

Sept. 20, 1999

Jenny Wilding and Joe Schmiesing were crowned Lehman Catholic High School homecoming king and queen Friday night. She is the daughter of John and Sue Wilding, while Schmiesing is the son of Harold and Mary Schmiesing, all of Sidney. A homecoming dance tonight at the school caps off a weekend of activities that included a parade Friday night.

An emotional seed planted in a college student in 1989 has been harvested. Vicki Lowery of Sidney has been working as a volunteer wish grantor for the Make-A-Wish Foundation. Lowery began working with terminally ill children and their families earlier this year in helping make wishes come true for those facing tragic times. “I’ve always had a very passionate feeling about people pursuing their dreams and wishes,” said Lowery, a mother of three children. Lowery explained that a business course she took at Wright State University required a fund-raising project to be held. She and classmates held Ident-i-Kid festivals at various locations. She said a seed was planted then to help youngsters that may need help. An animated movie regarding a cow was also an inspiration for Lowery. “Anabelle’s Wish” is a movie about a cow that Lowery called “self-sacrificing” and who ultimately gave away the only wish she was granted in life.

These news items from past issues of the Sidney Daily News are compiled by the Shelby County Historical Society (937-498-1653) as a public service to the community. Local history on the Internet! www.shelbycountyhistory.org. Visit the Sidney Daily News website, www.sidneydailynews.com to read the rest of the week’s columns.