Out of the past: Sept. 23

125 Years Ago

Sept. 23, 1899

PLUM CREEK – Considerable wheat was sown in the vicinity this week.

Letters were received this week from Ed Wooley and Ollie Harter, members of the 31st regiment, stationed at San Francisco, dated Sept. 17th, which stated that the regiment would board the transport Grant the next day and sail for the Philippines.

A clover huller belonging to William McCloskey, of Perry town- ship, was burned last night. He had taken the huller to the home of Mrs. Line, intending to use it the next day in hulling her clover.

100 Years Ago

Sept. 23, 1924

Dear Sir: As it is impossible for me to get in touch with the football manager of your city, I would like to ask if you would put a challenge in your paper for a game at your city and also, that we are out with everything new. F.F. Whiteraft, mgr., Van Wert Football Team.

According to Saturday’s Piqua Call, “Just one week of practice remains ahead of the Piqua High School football squad before the contest of the year. This game comes next Saturday at Sidney. Quite a number of things will be given attention in the remaining practices. The team looks mighty fine for this time in the season, but it will have to have a good bit of work on defense, and the offense will have to be given the once over.”

75 Years Ago

Sept. 23, 1949

A lot of things have gone over the dam in the last 89 years, including Grandma’s new piano in the 1913 flood, but the Shelby County Deer Hunters association has emerged through Dante’s inferno and high water to establish itself as the oldest organization of its kind in Ohio, if not in the United States (Zack Crusey, sports editor).

A modernized, swank Sexauer’s bakery retail store, as appealing as the handsomely encased rows of tasty wares it offers, will be formally opened to the public on Saturday at the conclusion of a seven-week remodeling program. For more than half a century the Sexauer bakery firm has been a part of the business panorama in Sidney at its West Poplar street location, home of the famous Butternut bread.

50 Years Ago

Sept. 23, 1974

Abuse of safety rules by bicyclists in the Sidney area was one of the many issues discussed at the Monday night meeting of the Shelby County Traffic Safety Council. Officer Paul Biller, representing the Sidney Police Department, reported that bicycle accidents are occurring at a high rate. He stated that running stop signs and riding on the wrong side of the street are two major violations committed by adults as well as children.

The Upper Valley Joint Vocational School District Board met last night at the administration building on Looney Road where the order of business included an application for changing the name of the road on which the institution is located.

25 Years Ago

Sept. 23, 1999

Two seniors from Sidney High School and another two seniors from Auglaize County schools are among 16,000 National Merit Scholarship Program semifinalists. Rebecca S. Heintz and Lauren E. Plaine of Sidney High join Lisa M. Kaiser of Minster High School and Katrina L. Kuck of New Knoxville as semifinalists Also, the semifinalist and a school official must complete a detailed scholarship application that includes the student’s self-descriptive essay as well as information about the semifinalist’s participation and leadership in school and community activities.

After her lottery ticket was chosen from over 1,500 entries, qualifying her to be on the Cash Explosion Double Play, Pat Bynum of Sidney tried to win big and that is what she did. The 62-year-old woman won $19,000 during her first round of play Saturday and qualified to go on for the $50,000 prize, but did not win anything there. She said, “I am still in shock.” Bynum said she did not have any plans for how to spend the money. Her husband, Henry, her sons and sister accompanied Bynum to the show in Tiffin. Bynum qualified to be on the show by sending to the Lottery Com- mission’s television contest in Cleveland a ticket Henry had bought her at the City Carryout, 132 N. Ohio Ave. Her ticket, along with five others, was drawn last week. “If anyone gets a ticket, I would encourage them to turn it in,” she said.

These news items from past issues of the Sidney Daily News are compiled by the Shelby County Historical Society (937-498-1653) as a public service to the community. Local history on the Internet! www.shelbycountyhistory.org. Visit the Sidney Daily News website, www.sidneydailynews.com to read the rest of the week’s columns.