Photo: Civil War Living History Battle Reenactment

At the Civil War Living History Battle Reenactment on Saturday at Tawawa Park, reenactors fire rifles at each other from across the park.

Anna Edmiston | Sidney Daily News

At the Civil War Living History Battle Reenactment on Saturday at Tawawa Park, reenactors fire rifles at each other from across the park.

At the Civil War Living History Battle Reenactment on Saturday at Tawawa Park, reenactors charge the field in formation.

At the Civil War Living History Battle Reenactment on Saturday at Tawawa Park, reenators position themselves for battle.

At the Civil War Living History Battle Reenactment on Saturday at Tawawa Park, the band plays music alongside the battle.

At the Civil War Living History Battle Reenactment on Saturday at Tawawa Park, reenactors line up to prepare for battle.