Your View: Do your homework

Well, I have really pondered over sending this one. But this is a very important election coming up and what I really want to say to you is please research these candidates before you vote. See what they have done and what their policies are. See, you know, I read several years ago over 80 percent of the people who vote on basically one advertisement or commercial they say, read on, or heard on the candidate whether negative or positive and it sticks in their mind and that’s what they vote for.

I so believe we have to do our homework before we vote. Because both sides are spreading some lies but we should be smart enough to research what they have told us and find out the lies or the truths.

I wasn’t going to write this but yesterday I was helping out at St. John’s thrift shop and got a few CDs last evening and I put one in. It was a Peter, Paul and Mary CD. Got to listening to the ole folk music. A couple songs I listened to over and over, “This Land is Your Land,” “River of Jordan” and more. Guess it inspired me.

I do love this USA, our country — and thought what is happening to it. It scares me! Not so much for myself but my grandkids and my great grandkids. Listening to this group brings back ole memories of the Vietnam era of protest of the war. Mainly the hate of what our government had us in. Basically, it was love protest — now all were seeing is hate. And we cannot have hate in us and survive.

Basically, we all call ourselves Christians, you can’t be a Christian and hate. And you can’t be Christian and believe in some of the policies that are being put in front of us. And they want us to believe they’re right. Cause they are not. Please, please research before you vote — It’s up to us as Americans to save our country.

Am I saying Trump is the best or am I saying Harris is the best? Big no! But if you research, you will be able to see which one will be best for us! And our future. I got one question to ask I’ve been trying not to say it but- Are we better off now as a country than we were four years ago? Wow it is so scary. Can we survive another four years of this?

Please I ask for the last time, do your research!

And I can still say God bless you all. And I hope you have love instead of hate in your hearts. Thank you! Now let’s go vote and save our country.

Dick Vondenhuevel