Out of the past: Oct. 19

125 Years

Oct. 19, 1899

The oil well put down near Uno by the Cyclone Oil company was shot late yesterday afternoon. A flow of gas was secured shortly after the well was drilled into Trenton rock. This flow was greatly increased when the well was shot and it will prove a paying gas well. No oil was secured.

The special train bearing Hon. William Jennings Bryan and several other prominent Democrats will arrive here from the north tomorrow about 3 o’clock. The party will remain here only one hour. As soon as the train arrives the party will be escorted to the speaker’s stand which will be erected in the public square. There will be bands from Kettlersville, Botkins, Montra, possibly Jackson Center, and the Klute and Reed bands of this city, so plenty of music will be furnished.

100 Years

Oct. 19, 1924

PEMBERTON: Dr. Gaines is driving a new Hudson coach.

One hundred automobiles are wanted to convey the children of this Sidney Public and parochial schools to Piqua next week to hear the concert to be given in the city by the United States Marine band. If you have a machine of offer, call the Sidney Telephone Co. office.

It was just ten minutes after 9 o’clock Saturday when the first freight train appeared from the east and passed over the new Big Four Bridge. A large crowd was congregated. The event marked the end of two years of construction work.

75 Years

Oct. 19, 1949

Definite assurance to the citizens of Maplewood and Port Jefferson that the Sidney school board would make the required repairs to re-open their two school buildings as soon as possible after successful passage of the school bond issue was given at a meeting Tuesday in the high school.

The Anna Commercial Club voted unanimously at its monthly meeting Tuesday to produce and stage another show this year. Eddie Phillips agreed to direct the show and promised something entirely new and different. A committee of William Wohrle, Frederick Boyer, Robert Leady, and James Smith was appointed to work with Phillips.

50 Years

Oct.19, 1974

Effective Monday, Sidney Municipal Court and city council will meet in the remodeled building, under renovation since early summer.

The City of Sidney yesterday officially assumed control of the Sidney Airport, off Sidney-Plattsville Road near County Road 25-A South, from former owner Mrs. Paul Clark. Assistant Fire Chief Bruce Watkins will operate the airport until the city enters into an agreement with a fixed base operator.

25 Years

Oct. 19, 1999

Anyone wondering about Sidney High graduate Ben Pulfer, he could be seen on the sidelines in uniform last Saturday when Ohio State visited Penn State.

The quartets “Lasting Impressions” and “Just the Ticket” are scheduled to appear on the All-American City Chorus Annual Show at Bridgeview Middle School Saturday at 8 p.m. The local chapter of Sweet Adelines is presented the show, titled “Grandma’s Attic.”

These news items from past issues of the Sidney Daily News are compiled by the Shelby County Historical Society (937-498-1653) as a public service to the community. Local history on the Internet! www.shelbycountyhistory.org. Visit the Sidney Daily News website, www.sidneydailynews.com to read the rest of the week’s columns.