Out of the past

125 Years

June 21, 1898

A meeting was held in the assembly room last night to make further arrangements for the Fourth of July celebration. The committee appointed to solicit funds made their report and showed that not enough funds have been collected to ensure a good celebration. Another meeting will be held next Friday evening.


All members on the reserve list of Company L, Third regiment, O.V.I., will report at the Daily News office at 10 o’clock Saturday morning for instructions. Twenty-five recruits are wanted for the reserve list of the company at once.


A few of the friends of Milton Ailes, of Washington D.C., entertained him at the Wise club house yesterday afternoon and evening. They went down in the afternoon on the skiff Bedward. In the evening they had a fish fry.

100 Years

June 21, 1923

Two representatives of the civil service commissions, one from Washington D.C. and the other from Cincinnati, arrived in the city Monday for several days stay. Their mission here is to visit various businessmen and citizens of the city to inquire into the business ability of the various candidates for the appointment as postmaster of Sidney.


The third annual Sunday school convention of the Lutheran Auglaize Conference was held Sunday afternoon and evening at St. Jacob Lutheran church in Anna. All 22 congregations in the conference were represented by delegates.


Walter McMillin is in Columbus for a week’s rehearsal with the Ladies band of 20 pieces which will go on Chautauqua tour during the summer. The band is composed of young men from Dana Musical Institute, Ohio State University and other schools.

75 Years

June 21, 1948

J.V. Gallagher, assistant administrator of the Lawrence Memorial Association hospital at New London, Conn., was named administrator of Wilson Memorial Hospital at the regular meeting of the board of trustees held last evening at the hospital. Gallagher, who replaces Miss Elsie Delin, comes to Wilson Memorial with approximately 20 years of experience in hospital work.


The final test operation of Sidney’s new incinerator is being made this afternoon. Outside construction and engineering experts are observing the city’s utilities board, engineer and service director.


President Truman was assailed in the House today as a “nasty little gamin” as Republicans poured abuse upon the chief executive for calling the GOP congress one of the worst in history.

50 Years

June 21, 1973

VERSAILLES – Sam H. Morrison, retiring superintendent of Versailles Exempted Village Schools, was surprised Sunday afternoon with the Governor’s Award for Community action presented personally by Gov. John J. Gillian during the Versailles Poultry Days celebration.


Reigning beauties were chosen during the weekend for the Versailles Poultry Days celebration and Botkins Carousel.

Miss Sandy Buehler, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Buehler, R.R. 1, Botkins, was named Carousel Queen Saturday evening during ceremonies at Botkins Central School.

Miss Chick, Cris Simons, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Noah Simons, R.R. 2, Versailles, was selected Saturday afternoon to reign over Poultry Days festivities.

25 Years

June 21, 1998

FORT LORAMIE – Joshua A. Busse has joined the U.S. Army under the Delayed Entry Program at the U.S. Army Recruiting Station, Piqua. Busse, a graduate of Fort Loramie High School, will report to Fort Jackson, Columbia, S.C. for basic training on Aug. 12, 1998.


JACKSON CENTER – THECO, LLC, a new recycling industry, will begin operation in Jackson Center in the middle of July.

The business will take mixed broken glass from this part of the country, mainly from Cincinnati, Dayton, Columbus, Toledo, Indianapolis, Lima, Marion, Bellefontaine and Sidney. Through a new technology developed by Prodeva Inc. of Jackson Center and a Utah company, the glass will be ground cleaned and resold to a fiberglass insulation manufacturer to be used in building insulation.

These news items from past issues of the Sidney Daily News are compiled by the Shelby County Historical Society (937-498-1653) as a public service to the community. Local history on the Internet! www.shelbycountyhistory.org. Visit the Sidney Daily News website, www.sidneydailynews.com to read the rest of the week’s columns.