It’s time for some summer fun

The last couple of months Mother Nature has been having some menopausal days! Hot then cold then back to hot again. She is really giving me whiplash! I am thankful for the recent rains, we definitely needed them.

Summer is in full swing now and there are so many fun, unique and wonderful outside events happening not just in our little town of Sidney, but through-out the surrounding counties. The ball fields are full each evening and weekend, the lakes and rivers are calling the fishermen and you will hear screams and laughter at the pool and splashpads.

When my boys were younger we used to camp along the Great Miami River in Quincy. It was a small camp ground, each spot along the river. We would enjoy swimming, boating, jet-skiing and more. One of our favorite things was to float around on blow up tubes and drink milk shakes. Even our dog would join in when the boys were swimming and playing in the sand pile. My boys are four years apart so when the oldest was able to go swimming with friends it left our youngest stuck at our camp spot. We had a large paddle boat with the metal pontoons so it was very stable and very safe. We allowed him to paddle around in it, staying close to the dock and made sure he wore his life jacket. That seemed to appease him and also made him feel grown up.

I know that as we age, participating in some outdoor activities become more difficult. There is no way you would catch me on a jet ski anymore! That being said, I can still enjoy a walk through one of our beautiful parks. A nice quiet pontoon ride on the lake or river and of course you are never too old to sit around a fire and roast a hotdog or make a smore. I look forward to spending time with family and friends in whatever way I can. Making memories is so important.

July brings a few really big events to the area; Fourth of July Fireworks, Country Concert and the great Shelby County Fair just to name a few. I am really looking forward to the Senior Day at the Shelby County Fair. It is Tuesday, July 25. Any senior over the age of 60 can enter for free and enjoy all that the fair has to offer. We will be having a special Senior Day event in the free entertainment tent. Registration starts at 9 a.m., Bingo will be played at 10 a.m., Singer Jeff Davis will take the stage at 11 a.m. and prizes for the Oldest Man, Most Mature Lady and Longest Married Couple will be handed out at 11:30 a.m. as well as a large number of door prizes. You must be present to win. And that’s not all! At noon we will be giving out freelunches to the first 500 seniors that registered for the event.

Summer can be a lot of fun and I hope you go out and enjoy all that there is to do in our community.

Until I see you at the center,

Have a blessed day!

The writer is the executive director of the Senior Center of Sidney and Shelby County.