Out of the past

125 Years

July 14, 1898

The assessment of taxes on the incorporated villages will this year amount to $3.46 on the hundred dollars for all purposes. It is time to call a halt on expenses. It should have been called long before rates got as high as they have.


G.E. Allinger and son, L.C. Allinger, have purchased the interest of L. N. Woodcock in the Jackson Center mill and warehouse. The new firm will be known as G. E. Allinger and Son.


The grading on the site of the new school building in the Fourth was started yesterday.


Yesterday was the largest day’s pumping ever made at the Sidney Waterworks Plant. The record shows that 975,520 gallons of water were pumped between 3 a.m. and 9:30 p.m.

100 Years

July 14, 1923

The partnership of W. A. Weingartner and Bros., at 116 West Poplar Street has been dissolved. Jacob E. Weingartner has purchased the interest of his brother, William, who for some time has been too ill to continue in the business. The former plans to continue the meat business at the same location. This is one of the oldest businesses in Sidney having been established over 55 years ago.


Postmaster Val Lee reported this morning that the sale of Treasury Savings Certificates at the Sidney Post Office for the month of June amounted to $7,825.


A fiery cross was burned last night beyond the Green Township picnic grounds.


Luis Angel Firpo, called “their wild bull of the pampas,” ruled the favorite today in his fight tonight with Jess Willard, former heavyweight champion.

75 Years

July 14, 1948

Perspiring volunteer workers approached the 1,000 mark today in the “Neighbors in Action” program to send 8,000 boxes of food to areas outside the Russian occupied zone of Germany. The huge task of preparing 250,000 pounds of food valued at $48,000 for shipment by July 23 is being carried out in the Slusser McLean Warehouse at the corner of East Avenue and Shelby Street.


John R. Eshman, son of Judge and Mrs. Robert Eshman, has been nominated by Congressman William M. McCulloch to the U.S. Naval Academy at Annapolis. Eshman was a 1947 graduate from Holy Angels High School.

50 Years

July 14, 1973

FORT LORAMIE – Salzburg, Austria is more than a travel brochure to Miss Elizabeth Holthaus, a 22-year-old beauty who is a senior at Bowling Green State University. Miss Holthaus returned to the United States this month after spending 10 months studying German in the Austrian city. She developed a deep fondness for the Austrian people with whom she came in contact and has scores of stories to tell about the country.


MINSTER – A reception for the Rev. Joseph Pax, newly appointed pastor of St. Augustine Church and his assistant, the Rev. James Smith, will be held Sunday from 2 to 4 p.m. at the Knights of Columbus Hall.

25 Years

July 14, 1998

Worl and Associates is adding new employees at the engineing and surveying firm. Scott Albers of Ft. Loramie has joined the firm as a project engineer. Also becoming a member of the team is Jennifer Hixenbaugh from Auglaize County who is a technician. Patrick Joyce and Mark Studebaker received promotions.


It wasn’t the type of year Sidney American Legion baseball had hoped to have. It was 2 and out at the district baseball tournament. The team lost to Lima and Celina to finish the year with a record of 11-31. Bryan King and Thomas Goffena had decent summers for the team. Coach Wayne Shoffner will try again next year.

These news items from past issues of the Sidney Daily News are compiled by the Shelby County Historical Society (937-498-1653) as a public service to the community. Local history on the Internet! www.shelbycountyhistory.org. Visit the Sidney Daily News website, www.sidneydailynews.com to read the rest of the week’s columns.