Out of the past

125 Years

July 20, 1898

Sheriff Fristoe has made his annual report of jail statistics for the year ending July 1. It shows there were 66 prisoners placed in jail, 47 males and 19 females. Of the prisoners, 58 were born in Ohio, four in other states and four were foreign born; seven were charged with felonies, 45 with misdemeanors, 14 with violations of ordinances. For 61 it was their first offense and five on second offense.


F. O. Routson and Claude Heffelman are making arrangements to give a 12-mile handicap bicycle race in this city on August 17. They proposed having a ball game during the afternoon and bicycle parade in the evening.


The commissioners of Champaign County were in joint session with the Shelby County Commissioners again today, discussing the Mosquito Creek Ditch. Once again, they were deadlocked on the selection of an engineer.


Orders have been sent to Admiral Sampson, instructing him to furnish convoy to Puerto Rico for General Mile’s expedition.

100 Years

July 20, 1923

The annual Chautauqua of the Sidney Chautauqua Association opened this afternoon with the concert given by the Grosjean Marimba-Xylophone Company. There was a large crowd in attendance. The Chautauqua sessions will continue through next Monday evening.


President Smith of the New York Central Railroad, along with a number of other officials of the railroad, came to Sidney today making an inspection of the construction work being carried on here. The officials met at Bellefontaine and came on to Sidney in a special train made up of three private cars.


Paul Monroe has received a Big Chief Indian motorcycle and Princess side car. This is the latest and most advanced type of motorcycle ever received by Paul. It has been sold to Charles Ellis.


A meeting of Shriners of Shelby County will be held at the hall of Temperance Lodge tomorrow evening for the purpose of organizing a Shrine Club.


Nelson Born, son of Mr. and Mrs. James Born of the Syndicate, was injured about the face when he fell from a horse at the home of his uncle, Henry Kloeker yesterday afternoon.

75 Years

July 20, 1948

Carl V. Weygandt, chief justice of the Ohio Supreme Court will be the principal speaker for the “Neighbors In Action” send off program in Sidney Friday night. William McCulloch, fourth district congressman, will introduce Justice Weygandt. Fred B. Louys, superintendent of schools will preside at the program to be presented on the north side of the court square.


Sidney residents were requested today to abandon further sprinkling of lawns because of the dangerously low supply of water. Service Director Frank Rohler said that unless lawn sprinkling is discontinued, the city will be faced with a critical water situation.


Sidney’s Junior Chamber of Commerce is in possession of an “M” award – a national Jaycee honor – for ranking high in obtaining new members during the month of May. The award was presented to Donald Thoma, Sidney president, during the state convention in Columbus over the weekend.


The American radio in Berlin reported today that the Soviets have started to rip up sections of the Berlin-Helmsted rail line to defeat in advance any allied efforts to break the blockade.

50 Years

July 20, 1973

Sidney will definitely have a new hospital but when construction will begin is not yet known. Officials hope ground will be broken in October. The matter is now in the hands of the Cost of Living Council in Washington, D.C.


NEW BREMEN – Eric Hirschfeld, R.R. 1, placed second in the boys’ division of the Wapakoneta Area Speak Up for Safety Contest at Waynesfield Methodist Church Wednesday. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Hirschfeld.


Becky Buehler and Elaine Laughlin have returned home from Dallas, Texas where they attended the national meeting of Future Homemakers of America at the Fairmont Hotel July 9 – 12.

25 Years

July 20, 1998

The Ohio Envirothon was held in June. Shelby County kept is streak alive by sending more teams to the state competition than any other county. Anna and Ft. Loramie qualified teams this year. They finished 8th and 12th respectively. The competition is an outdoor academic competition. The local Soil and Water Conservation group sponsored both teams.


The results of the Sidney City Schools survey are in. it showed a lack of interest, and that was viewed to be a good thing. “The good news is you don’t have a crisis,” Terry Cases of Midwest Communications stated. His group conducted the survey. Over 900 residents were surveyed. How discipline is handled appeared to be the main concern.

These news items from past issues of the Sidney Daily News are compiled by the Shelby County Historical Society (937-498-1653) as a public service to the community. Local history on the Internet! www.shelbycountyhistory.org. Visit the Sidney Daily News website, www.sidneydailynews.com to read the rest of the week’s columns.