Out of the past

125 years

August 1, 1898

Committees of the Shelby County Soldiers’ and Sailors’ Aid Society will, within the next two or three days, wait upon the citizens of Sidney and ask them to become members of the society. The membership fee is 10 cents.


T.F. Shaw has placed an electric alarm clock in his livery stable. The clock is so arranged as to ring the alarm at the time any rig has been ordered to be hitched up.

100 years

August 1, 1923

L.A. McKinnon, assistant chief at the fire department, is celebrating the 25th anniversary of his connection with the department today. McKinnon entered the service at the department under the administration of Mayor H.S. Ailes.


Redistricting of the state highway department announced this week brings Clark County into the district with headquarters in Sidney.

75 years

August 1, 1948

Sidney Mayor Waldo A. Patton has declared war on motorists who exceed the speed limit inside the city. He warned today that second violations will result in fines of $100 and costs and five days in jail.


Traffic signs have been installed on Russell Road where it intersects Main Avenue as a safeguard against accidents. Installation of the signs followed a proposal by the Parkwood Nimble Fingers 4-H sewing club, whose members pointed out the intersection has been the scene of one fatal and several minor accidents.

50 years

August 1, 1973

A large crowd was on hand Tuesday afternoon to observe Shelby County Junior Fair’s dairy judging and showmanship competitions at the Livestock Arena. Don Epperly, Fort Loramie, won the senior showmanship award for those more than 14 years old. The junior showmanship award, less than 14, was won by Jean Kohler, Botkins.


More than 500 persons jammed the stands at the county fairground’s livestock arena to watch the junior fair’s steer judging contest Tuesday night. Dave Jelley, Sidney, won the overall grand champion award of all breeds and classes. The reserve champion award was won by Jana Brautigam, Sidney.

25 years

August 1, 1998

The city of Sidney has hired Tom Judy, 38, of Urbana, as finance officer. He replaces Mike Puckett, who became Sidney’s city manager in April.


PHOTO: Fourteen-year-old Rachel Jung and Carly Billing, 15, know better than to put the cart before the horse, so they decided to hitch themselves to the cart instead. The girls took first place honors in the 4-H Horse Fun Show Friday at the Shelby County Fair when they dressed as horses and pulled the cart.

These news items from past issues of the Sidney Daily News are compiled by the Shelby County Historical Society (937-498-1653) as a public service to the community. Local history on the Internet! www.shelbycountyhistory.org. Visit the Sidney Daily News website, www.sidneydailynews.com to read the rest of the week’s columns.