Out of the past

125 years

August 2, 1898

On account of there being no fair this year, a number of the businessmen of the city have arranged to give a race meeting this fall. At a meeting held in the office of Louis Kah, Jr., last night, a stock company was organized, to be known as the Sidney Driving Club Company. Louis Kah, Jr. was elected president; John A. Klipstine, vice president; W.J. Kinstle, secretary and C.E. Cyphers, treasurer.


The board of education met in the superintendent’s office in the central school building last night and set Aug. 12 as the date when the bids for the new school building will be opened and the contract awarded to the successful bidder.

100 years

August 2, 1923

Four of Sheriff Clark’s prisoners escaped from the county jail some time this morning between midnight and 7 o’clock. The escape was made by chiseling the mortar from around one of the large stones at the east end of the jail corridor, and the stone was then pushed in.


An attendance estimated as high as 4,000 is reported in connection with a Klu Klux Klan meeting held last evening on the New Knoxville school premises. Vehicles occupied by Klansmen and spectators occupied the highway for a considerable distance from the assembly center.

75 years

August 2, 1948

Preparations for the moving of the two Quinn houses from their present location on South Ohio Avenue were started over the weekend, with the removal of several trees and unloading of mover’s equipment. One of the buildings will be moved to 415 South West Avenue and a second to West Court Street, adjacent to the old canal bed. The third building will be wrecked. The houses are being moved to make way for the construction of a Kroger grocery building.

50 years

August 2, 1973

Shelby County Junior Fair market lamb contest Wednesday provided some tough decision making on the part of judges. When it was all over, first place winners included Tim Bodenmiller, Sidney; Laura Clayton, Maplewood; Dave Short, Anna; and overall champion, Peggy Wehrle, Sidney.

Philip Jones, Sidney-Shelby County YMCA program director, has submitted his resignation effective Aug. 25. He has accepted a teaching position at Graham Consolidated School, St. Paris.

25 years

August 2, 1998

ANNA – To the people of Anna, there must have been strange shapes flying through the air all week behind the elementary building. Up to now, the balls used to play sports were always round. But no more. Football has come to Anna, and anyone needing proof that the town is serious about starting the sport needed only to stop in at the school this week. An average of 50 boys from grades 7-to-10 congregated at the school for the first Anna Football Camp, conducted by coach Brian Rioch.


Genevieve Conradi has been named new nurse manager of the Behavioral Health Unit at Wilson Memorial Hospital. She comes to Wilson Hospital from Pittsburgh where she was employed with the Mayview State Hospital since 1987. There she was responsible for providing advanced psychiatric nursing skills in direct services to patients in the adult admissions ward.

These news items from past issues of the Sidney Daily News are compiled by the Shelby County Historical Society (937-498-1653) as a public service to the community. Local history on the Internet! www.shelbycountyhistory.org. Visit the Sidney Daily News website, www.sidneydailynews.com to read the rest of the week’s columns.