Out of the past

125 years

August 21, 1898

The new hose wagon for the Sidney Fire Department has been completed and is now ready for use. The old wagon will be removed to the second ward hose house. The new wagon will hold about 1600 feet of hose, which is about 400 feet more than could be placed in the old. The new wagon is handsomely painted, the wheels being a bright yellow and the bed painted black.


Christ Boesel, of Kettlersville, is the lucky owner of the largest producing oil well so far drilled in Shelby County. It was shot Saturday and is making 150 barrels per day. The Ohio Oil Company drilled the well.

100 years

August 21, 1923

Employees of the Sidney Post Office tendered Postmaster Val Lee a dinner at the home of Mrs. A.C. Short at Oran Saturday evening. The dinner was given as a compliment to the retiring official.


In the final match of the mid-summer tournament at the country club grounds Sunday, F.C. Hutchins defeated Raymond Piper, ending at the 29th hole, with nine up and seven to play. Hutchins had a 41 on the first nine to 46 for Piper.

75 years

August 21, 1948

Babe Ruth, certainly one of the greatest baseball players of all times, is dead. The famed sports hero died at 8:01 p.m. yesterday of cancer at the age of 53. Funeral services will be held Thursday morning.


Louis F. Warbington, founder of Shelby County’s “Neighbors in Action” program, which sent 8,000 boxes of food to the hungry in allied-occupied Germany, will see those boxes of food distributed. Warbington is a representative of the U.S. War Department Civil Affairs Division, and he went to Berlin to make arrangements.

50 years

August 21, 1973

Newly-elected officers for the Anna Kiwanis Club are: president, Phil Cornett; first vice-president, Phil Wilt; second vice-president, Russell Sayer; secretary, Kenneth Schaeffer and treasurer, Tom Finkenbine.


The Anna High School Band will perform at the Ohio State Fairgrounds Friday at 11 a.m. The band will proceed to four designated areas on the grounds and play two or thee selections at each one. After the performance the band will be free to enjoy the fair.

25 years

August 21, 1998

ANNA – Trisha Barhorst and Chelsea Rhyan recently attended the 1998 Washington Leadership Conference. Both Barhorst and Rhyan are members of the Anna FFA Chapter. The week-long program helps FFA members improve their leadership skills and prepare for leadership roles in their chapters, communities and their future careers.


Mardie Milligan has resigned as executive director of the Gateway Arts Council, effective at the end of her contract year in October. Milligan announced her resignation at the recent regular monthly meeting of Gateway’s Board of Trustees. Milligan assured the board that her resignation was in no way indicative of dissatisfaction with her job, citing personal reasons for her action.

These news items from past issues of the Sidney Daily News are compiled by the Shelby County Historical Society (937-498-1653) as a public service to the community. Local history on the Internet! www.shelbycountyhistory.org. Visit the Sidney Daily News website, www.sidneydailynews.com to read the rest of the week’s columns.