Newly renovated family practice unveiled in Anna

Family Physician Matthew Vasko, left, of Sidney, points out his team during the ribbon cutting ceremony for the Wilson Health Anna Family Practice on Wednesday, Aug. 30. Standing with Vasko is Sidney-Shelby County Chamber of Commerce President Jeff Raible. The newly renovated family practice is located at 104 Diamond Drive, Anna.

Luke Gronneberg | Sidney Daily News

ANNA — The Wilson Health Anna Family Practice recently underwent a remodel and celebrated with a ribbon-cutting ceremony and open house on Aug. 30.

Recently hired Anna Village Administrator Bill Kessler attended the event and discussed how important medical facilities are in small towns.

“Having a medical facility in your village is tremendous. It increases the property values of everybody’s property here in Anna. It’s one of those things you don’t want to lose. You don’t want to lose a grocery store, you don’t want to lose your medical facility,” Kessler said. “The small businesses that come to our community keep our community vibrant, keep our community property values up.”

Wilson Health President and CEO Mark Klosterman agreed that having branches in the villages is important as well as keeping the facilities current to serve patients effectively.

“As we continue to look at Wilson Health as an organization — all the campuses that we have — we agree that it’s important to be in the communities providing that level of service and as we do that we have to continue to invest, not only in personnel, but continue to invest in infrastructure, buildings, to make sure that people have access to that care when they need it, how they need it, in a very productive way. And the team here in Anna has been doing that for a really long time,” Klosterman said.

Family Physician Matthew Vasko, who has been at the Anna practice since Aug. 6, 2006, expressed his gratitude for the remodel.

“I want to take this opportunity to, on behalf of myself and the staff, thank the administration and everyone else who’s been instrumental in supporting this remodel. It has been, no pun intended, a real shot in the arm, to help keep us going and bring us new life and vigor, and it’s so welcome and we’re so happy with everything,” Vasko said.

For more information about the practice or to schedule an appointment, visit or call 937-394-2900.