2 seek office of fiscal officer for Salem Township


SIDNEY — Two candidates are seeking the Salem Township Fiscal Officer position in the Nov. 7 election.

Running for office are Kelly Cook, 55, Sidney, and Beverly Gehle, 65, Maplewood.

Cook is an office manager for a church as well as a business owner. She and her hustand have been married for more than 25 years and have four adult children. Cook holdd a degree in business from Edison State Community College, giving her a foundation in business and financial principles. As a business owner and office manager, she manage budgets, financial records, and organizational operations. Serving as membership chair and finance officer for the Professional Photographs of Ohio Board of Directors has honed her leadership and financial skills. As founder and coordinator of Hope Closet Dress Ministry, she have developed a deep passion for community service and financial responsibility.

Gehle is the director of finance for a manufacturing facility which employess more than 100 associates. She has been married to her husband, Wayne, for 43 years. They have two grown children, Erin (Gehl) Burmeister and Michael Gehle. They have two grandchildren who attend Anna Schools. The Gehls are huge fams of watching their sporting events and all the activities they participate in.

Why are you running for office?

Gehl: “When I was advised the current Salem Township Fiscal Officer had decided not to run for office I decided that I would love to get involved in this.”

Cook: “As a resident of Shelby County, I see this position as an opportunity to contribute to our community, by using my education, experience, and volunteer work to give back and serve.”

What do you hope to accomplish if you are elected?

Cook” “Help community members gain confidence in their local government and make sure funds/tax dollars continue to be used in ways that benefit the township.”

Gehl: “I have over 40 years in financial/accounting experience which I believe will be an asset for this position. My goal in all of my financial roles is to ensure invoices are paid on time, receipts are posted accurately and ensure our books are reconciled and accurate. I have experience in banking, forecasting and budgeting.”

What do you feel needs to be done to make your township more successful?

Gehl: “I will support the Salem Township Trustees wherever they need my assistance. I would also support the Salem Township Trustees in securing potential grant fundings if such funding is available.”

Cook: “To enhance the success of Salem township, I would like to see more responsible management of the township funds through timely review and payment of bills and services, as well as encourage increased community participation in township meetings.”

If elected, how will you open the lines of communication between yourself and the people you represent?

Cook: “I would encourage communication between the Salem township trustees by urging the community to attend meetings and ask questions about how money is spent and how it is allocated and received.”

Gehl: “I would encourage members of Salem Township to attend the monthly meeting that the Salem Township Trustees have. This would be a good forum for the members of our township to bring up ideas and concerns.”

What challenges do you feel your township faces today and in the future?

Gehl: “In the current economy of increasing price’s we have to manage our fundings and expenses to stay balanced.”

Cook: “One of the biggest challenges I see today is helping the community see how and where tax monies are spent. In the future, I hope to stress the importance of what those monies are used for such as road, bridge, and equipment repairs, to continue to make Salem Township a safe and well-maintained place for residents to live.”

Additional comments?

Cook: “I’m excited to see continued improvements in my local community and be able to play a large role in them.”
