Out of the past:

125 Years

June 1, 1899

Memorial Day was observed here in the usual manner. Flags and bunting were displayed in profusion about the city. At 8 o’clock, committees visited the old Presbyterian and Starrett graveyards and the Catholic cemetery and decorated the graves of soldiers. Later a parade was held from the court square to Graceland cemetery where a memorial service was held. At 2 p.m. the oration was delivered at the armory by Rev. J.A. Patterson


The Reed band appeared in new uniforms for the Memorial Day program.

100 Years

June 1, 1924

Veterans of the Civil War were guests of the Sidney Kiwanis club at their luncheon meeting yesterday. Included were John B. Edgar, Dr. J.W. Throckmorton, John W. Smith, William Clawson, J.H. Belsh. Byron Joslin, Issac Beery, Frank Stockstill, Emanuel Brown, David Kaufman, Darwin Thompson, Samuel Higgins.


Shelby County has taken a step forward in providing necessary toilet facilities and drinking fountains for its immediate citizens, those who come to Sidney from the country, and the traveling public. The new comfort station under the north Corridor entrance to the court house will be opened tomorrow.

75 Years

June 1, 1949

Miss Charlotte Sears and Miss Nettie Loy will continue as religious instructors in the city school system following action taken by the board of religious education last evening.


Thousands thronged Sidney yesterday morning for the annual Memorial Day services, marked this year by stirring addresses, a colorful parade and solemn rites at Graceland cemetery, the river bridge and Schultz’ battery monument. Emerson Setsor, a World War II veteran, addressed the throng from the court house steps.


Anna – The recipient of special honors two years ago on the occasion of his 50 years as the village doctor and 40 years as a member of the school board. Dr. D.E. Millette, of Anna, returned the favor to his many village friends this week, presenting each of them a printed brochure as an expression of his personal appreciation. It is a complete story of that day in 1947, with interesting excerpts about his life.

50 Years

June 1, 1974

The 61-year-old Vandemark Road bridge, about two miles south of Sidney, near Miami River Road, was closed yesterday by Shelby County Engineer William Fultz, who said the structure has become a safety hazard.


NEWPORT – “Newport is a lively little village. It is a seaport on a canal. It is surrounded by beautiful little lakes commonly called ice ponds. These furnished of the chief articles of export as well as beautiful pleasure grounds for skating and swimming parties.” Today, nearly 100 years after this statement appeared in the Shelby County Democrat (Jan. 28, 1876), the export of ice is gone, but the beautiful pleasure grounds remain.

25 Years

June 1, 1999

LITTLETON, CO. – The backpacks dotting Columbine High School’s hallways have been there since panicked students abandoned them and ran from gunfire and terror nearly six weeks ago.

Today, most of the nearly 2,000 students and faculty were to return for the first time and retrieve items they left behind April 20, when they ran from the building as Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold opened fire. 12 students and a teacher were killed and 21 others were wounded.


The Sidney-Shelby County Salvation Army Advisory Board at its recent meeting continued planning for its annual putting tournament fundraiser.


PHOTO – Houston High School graduates Renee Ballou and Sarah Kelch share a hug following commencement Sunday.

These news items from past issues of the Sidney Daily News are compiled by the Shelby County Historical Society (937-498-1653) as a public service to the community. Local history on the Internet! www.shelbycountyhistory.org. Visit the Sidney Daily News website, www.sidneydailynews.com to read the rest of the week’s columns.