Out of the past: June 8

125 Years

June 8, 1899

Strawberry ice cream, 25 cents a quart, 15 cents a pint, at C.F. Hickok’s – advertisement.


Miss Jessie Ayers Wilson gave her second pupils’ musical of the season of ’98 and ’99 yesterday at 2:30 o’clock at her home. Light refreshments were served and a social hour spent.


Members of the Junior Shakespeare Club were entertained by their gentlemen friends yesterday to a boat ride on the canal. They secured the pleasure boat “Dongola” and went down the canal about five miles to the Steinle Club House where an elaborate spread was served. They included L.M. Studevant and wife, A.J. Hess and wife, H.G. Woodward and wife, J.L. Dickensheets and wife, W.R. Robinson and wife, Mrs. Wm. Ley, Mrs. L.M. Norman, Misses Lena Lierman, Jennie Hitchcock, Lou and Leal Robertson and George S. Robertson.

100 Years

June 8, 1924

By the provisions of the will of John W. Skillen, who died about four years ago and following the death of his wife, Mrs. Hannah Skillen, who died at her home on N. Miami avenue several days ago, an estate of $23,000 is to go to the First Presbyterian church, the First Baptist church, the M.E. church and the Children’s Home.


Coal & Wood. Cinderella Lump. Pocahontas Lump. Chestnut Hard Coal. I have a good stock of nice dry wood. Put it in the cellar before putting in your coal. $3.00 per load. Let us figure on your coal. C.W. Benjamin – advertisement.

75 Years

June 8, 1949

Sidney’s water softening plant is working at top efficiency, according to a letter received by City Utilities Engineer E.H. Maurer from the Ohio state department of health.


Max Michael, principal at Hardin school for the past nine years, has been selected for a similar post at Parkwood, City School Supt. Fred B. Louys, announced today. Education officials also appointed Mrs. Huber A. Berry for elementary teaching, and Richard Cromer for high school and elementary art instruction.


A U.S. Maritime Service ship has been named for the late Ensign Gordon A. Herstam, grandson of the late Mr. and Mrs. Abe Herstam of Sidney, long associated with Sidney’s business life as owner of the former Herstam clothing store. Ensign Herstam, buried in Arlington National Cemetery, was killed April 2, 1945, aboard the assault transport Goodhue.

50 Years

June 8, 1974

Departments of Amos Press, Inc., including the Sidney Daily News, are in the process of being moved from their present downtown location to a new modern plant at 911 Vandemark Road. Other publications of Amos Press will be moved during the next two weeks, vacating the Court Street location for construction of a new building and parking lot for First National Exchange Bank.

25 Years

June 8, 1999

MINSTER – Arrowhead Park Golf Course hosted a special guest Sunday. Former Vice President Dan Quayle joined a group of residents in a golf outing.

A Sidney businessman invited to attend the outing confirmed that the event was a fund-raiser, but he was not certain who officially sponsored the event. Guests reportedly paid $250 to join the Quayle party.


Sunset Kiwanis members toured the court square last week, but a far different one than exists today. Noon Kiwanis and Shelby County Historical Society member Tom Dunnavant led the slide presentation of old postcards showing Sidney’s early days, some dating back to 1870.


In November, Sidney residents will be voting on whether to make the city’s 1.5 percent income tax permanent. Ohio law permits the city to enact an income tax rate of up to 1 percent without voter approval.

Sidney’s current rate is 1.5 percent, with the 0.5 percent having been renewed by the voters four times since 1983.

These news items from past issues of the Sidney Daily News are compiled by the Shelby County Historical Society (937-498-1653) as a public service to the community. Local history on the Internet! www.shelbycountyhistory.org. Visit the Sidney Daily News website, www.sidneydailynews.com to read the rest of the week’s columns.