Broud Memorial Scramble raises $5,000

Winners of Saturday’s Erroll Broud Memorial Golf Scramble pose for a picture on Saturday. Pictured left to right are Beth Mullen, Gary Mullen, Travis Dietz and Tricia Dietz.

Courtesy photo

The second annual Erroll Broud Memorial Golf Scramble was held Saturday at the Sidney Moose Golf Course. Forty golfers participated in the event.

Rita Baumer, owner of Fill My Cup in Anna, helped organizers find a local recipient family, a Shelby County single mom who needs funds for much needed eye surgery.

Through corporate sponsorship and general donations, over $5000 was raised for this family.

“My dad, loved golf, and he loved helping people in need. I am honored and blessed to be able to hand over the generous funds that community members, businesses, golfers, family and friends donated to this local family,” Allen Broud said.

Saturday’s winning team included Beth Mullen, Gary Mullen, Travis Dietz, and Tricia Dietz. Trophies, donated by the Broud’s, were presented to the first, second, and third place teams.

“I am pleased to say that every penny donated by sponsors and donors is being given to our recipient family. No expenses are coming out of the funds that were raised,” Broud said.

Plans for next year’s golf scramble are already in the works. Broud is hoping to honor his father every year by getting the community involved in financially helping a Shelby County family in need. For questions about the Erroll Broud Memorial Golf Scramble, call Allen Broud at (937) 594-0200.