SWCD to hold tire recycling day

The Shelby Soil and Water Conservation District in partnership with several organizations will held a scrap tire collection event on Oct. 16.

The Sidney-Shelby County Health Department, North Central Ohio Solid Waste District, the Shelby County Engineer’s Office and the Shelby County Commissioners are collaborating on the event.

The event will be held at the Shelby County Fairgrounds; anyone who is dropping tires off should enter from Highland Avenue main gate.

Tires will be accepted from Shelby County residents and farmers. Pre-registration and payment (cash or check) in person only before Friday Oct. 11 at Shelby SWCD, which is located at 822 Fair Rd.

Cost will be $2 per passenger tire, $8 per semi-truck tires and $15 per farm equipment tire.

Illegally dumped or improperly stored scrap tires are not only a nuisance but are also a public health concern. Rainwater that accumulates in the scrap tires provides an ideal breeding ground for mosquitoes that transmit a variety of diseases to people and animals. Illegal open burning of scrap tires can create immediate health hazards to persons with breathing problems and the environment.

The Shelby SWCD received a Tire Amnesty Grant from the Ohio Environmental Protection Agency to finance 75 percent of the costs of this collection event. Through this grant program, the OEPA helps Ohio’s local governments promote sustainable scrap tire collection drives, sponsor tire drop-off efforts, and engage in targeted clean up events.

To help prevent tires from accumulating on your property, the best thing to do is have your tire dealer properly dispose of your old tires when you purchase new ones for a minimal fee. A list of area businesses accepting used tires in Shelby County can be found at www.ncowaste.org.

For more information, contact Amanda Hurley, Shelby SWCD, at 937-419-2597 or [email protected].