Minster announces Homecoming court and events

Pictured is the Minster High School Homecoming Court, in back from left to right, Carson Kaylor, Tyler Bergman, Connor Schmiesing, Will Knapke, James Niemeyer, Max Knapke, Will Frimel, Evan Prenger, Grant Larger. In front from left to right, Alexa Collins, Alivia Heckman, Rylin Trego, Cadence Bergman, Lydia Bornhorst, Adriana Kremer, Rose Schmiesing, Ava Stammen, Anna Kohne.

The Minster High School Student Council is pleased to announce the 2024 Homecoming Activities are set for October 7-12.

Students selected to the Homecoming Court include Freshmen Alexa Collins and Carson Kaylor, Sophomores Alivia Heckman and Tyler Bergman, Juniors Anna Kohne and Grant Larger, and Seniors Cadence Bergman, Lydia Bornhorst, Adriana Kremer, Rose Schmiesing, Ava Stammen, Rylin Trego, Will Frimel, Max Knapke, Will Knapke, James Niemeyer, Evan Prenger, and Connor Schmiesing.

Homecoming Spirit Week activities include:

● Daily Spirit Themes

● A Pep Rally Wednesday, Oct. 9 at 7:00 p.m. in the High School Gym

● Crowning of the King and Queen prior to the home Football game vs. Versailles on Oct. 11

● The annual Homecoming Dance on Saturday, Oct. 12