Out of the past

125 Years

March 1, 1892

Reports from 74 towns throughout the country regarding the cost of lighting streets by electricity shows the average price per lamp each year is $105.36. There is no town in Ohio better lighted Sidney, and it is done for $90 a lamp per year.


The name of our fellow-townsman, Capt. E.E. Nutt, will be presented to the next meeting of the Grand Army of the Republic as a candidate for commander of the Department of Ohio. Capt. Nutt was one of the first to respond to the call of his country. He entered the 20th regiment, Ohio Volunteers, as a private and served until the close of the war. He was mustered out as a captain.


A bill has passed the House of Representatives to repeal the act dividing Loramie township into two election precincts.


At a meeting of the Infirmary directors yesterday, Dr. M.F. Hussey was appointed physician to the county infirmary.

100 Years

March 1, 1917

Clarence and Roy Hemmert now have control of the Botkins Grain Co. They purchased the stock formerly owned by J.C. Paul and with stock previously purchased they now have controlling interest. Clarence, formerly an operator with the C.H. & D. railroad, will manage the operation. Roy, who is presently with the railroad, will resign and join his brother about June 1.


G.E. Hall, president of the Michigan and Ohio Nu Fuel Co., of Toledo, was in Sidney today to discuss the operation of his garbage disposal plant with members of the Visiting Nurses Association who have been considering the matter of garbage disposal for better sanitation and beauty. Mr. Hall will return later this month to discuss the project with city council.


A meeting of township trustees and road supervisors of Shelby county was held at the court house yesterday to discuss the question of better roads. Arch Smith, of the state highway department, attended the meeting and later in the afternoon delivered a lecture with pictures at the Grand theater.

75 Years

March 1, 1942

Ice-coated streets and highways today caused innumerable cars to slide and skid with many going into ditches along the roads according to reports to city and county officials. Many falls by pedestrians were noted. Two accidents that resulted in some damage to the vehicles involved occurred on North Main avenue, but there were no injuries.


Arthur Sprague was named chairman of the Shelby County Board of Elections, when the board completed its reorganization last night. Fares Altenbach was named clerk of the board, with Clyde Millhoff appointed deputy clerk. Other members of the board are: Roy Fry, George Fogt, and Carl Lehman.


Miss Joan Fogt, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C.M. Fogt, who has been on the staff at Christ Hospital, Cincinnati, has accepted a position as nurse at the plant of the Monarch Machine Tool Co.


Mrs. Ray Burke, Mrs. E.N. Smith, and Mrs. Jesse Swonger have returned home from Cleveland where they attended the annual flower show, one of the most elaborate events of late winter each year.

50 Years

March 1, 1967

The retirement of Huey McClellan, Chestnut avenue, as president of the Gartland Haswell Foundry Co., and election of John L. Shinn, 729 Crescent drive, as his successor, were announced today by officials of the local industrial firm. Shinn has been associated with Garland Haswell since 1954, serving in various top-level capacities and has been a vice president of the company since 1962. He has been active in community affairs; is a member of the Sidney Kiwanis Club and has been a member of the Sidney Board of Education for several years, presently service as president of the board.


Dan Kinninger, son of Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Kinninger, R.R. 1, Sidney is the recipient of a $600 scholarship from Miami-Jacobs Junior College, Dayton. Mr. Kinninger won the scholarship as a result of his test scores in the recent business scholarship competition at the Dayton college. He will be a 1967 graduate of Fairlawn High School.


DEGRAFF – Richard Petty, a member of the Ohio State Highway Patrol since 1959, has been promoted to corporal and transferred from Hebron to the Mansfield post. Petty is a native of DeGraff and graduate of DeGraff High School.

25 Years

March 1, 1992

The Way International is making a comeback. The faith-based organization was once home to 20,000 followers at its annual event at the Fairgrounds in 1986. Attendance dropped in 1991 to 7,500. Since 1992 marks the 5oth year of the organization, those in charge expect a growth in the membership. The leader is now Donald Wierwille, son of the founder V.P. Wierwille. He died in 1985. At its peak, The Way had campuses in four areas of the country. The annual income in 1984 was $27.1 million.


These news items from past issues of the Sidney Daily News are compiled by the Shelby County Historical Society (937-498-1653) as a public service to the community. Local history on the Internet! www.shelbycountyhistory.org