5th COVID-19 death reported in Shelby County

SIDNEY – The fifth death attributed to COVID-19 has been reported by the Sidney-Shelby County Health Department.

According to its Facebook posting Friday morning, the person was a woman in her 50s. This was the first coronavirus-related death in the county since June 22.

The other four people who died of the virus included a man in his 80s, a man in his 90s, a woman in her 80s and a man in his 80s.m

The health department also reported 16 new positive COVID-19 cases. This brings the county’s total to 433.

The new Shelby County cases include two boys in the 10-19 age group; three women and one man in their 20s; one man in his 30s; one woman in her 40s; two women and three men in their 50s; one woman in her 60s; one man in his 70s; and one woman in her 90s.

As of Friday, 298 Shelby County residents have recovered, 130 have not recovered, and five people have died. Currently, four Shelby County residents are hospitalized because of COVID-19.

Of those who have tested positive, 10% are first responders/health care workers.

Breakdown of cases by zip codes includes: 230 cases for Sidney (45365), Anna (45302) 46 cases, Botkins (45306) 18 cases, Conover (45317) three cases, Fort Loramie/Newport(45845) 34 cases, Houston (45333) 17 cases, Jackson Center (45334) 18 cases, New Knoxville (45871), two cases, Maplewood (45340) eight cases, Minster (45865) 17 cases, Pemberton (45353) one case, Piqua (45356) 10 cases, Port Jefferson (45360) three cases and Russia (45363) 26 cases.

Russia Mayor Terry Daughtery asked village residents for their help in stopping the spread of the virus in the village. He posted his request on the village’s Facebook page.

“As many of you are aware, we are in the midst of an outbreak of Covid-19 in our community,” Daugherty wrote in the Sept. 3 post. “The Russia Local School has suspended in person learning for 14 days for grades 7-12. As of September 3 we have 22 confirmed cases in the 45363 delivery area. On August 25 we only had 5 since this all began.

“I have been in communication with the Shelby County Health Department multiple times this week. If you test positive they will be in contact with you. Please cooperate with them when they ask you follow up questions. Their goal is to minimize the effect of the pandemic and to keep it from spreading so rapidly.

“I have been told that some local residents have not been willing to share information that could potentially slow the spread. The Health Department may use this information to notify other people if they may have been exposed and try to keep our most vulnerable citizens safe.

“Once again please cooperate if you are contacted. Please follow the guidelines that have been discussed for the last 6 months. Practice social distancing, wash and sanitize frequently, wear face covering whenever near other people and avoid gatherings. We are all tired of talking about this but we will get through this.

“These next couple of weeks will undoubtedly have more people coming down with the virus but if we all do the right things we can get back to relative normalcy soon and keep our school and businesses open,” Daugherty concluded.

The Auglaize County Health Department reports total cases on the county are 492 with 437 confirmed and 55 probable. The total number of people hospitalized since the beginning of the pandemic is 40.

A total of 298 women have tested positive while 194 men have tested positive.

The total number of deaths in Auglaize County is eight. The total number of people who have recovered is 363. There are 121 current cases. The average age of those testing positive is 48.

The new cases to report are: the 489th case is a 9-year-old girl, the 490th case is a 14-year-old boy, the 491st case is a 59-year-old woman, and the 492nd case is a 30-year-old woman. All cases are self-isolating at home.

Total cases include 11 people in the 0-10 age range, 49 in the 10-20 age range, 66 in the 20-30 age range, 68 in the 30-40 age range, 63 in the 40-50 age range, 85 in the 50-60 age range, 60 in the 60-70 age range, 36 in the 70-80 age range, 37 in the 80-90 age range, 16 in the 90-100 age range and one case in the 100-110 age range.

Since the beginning of the pandemic, broken down by geographical area based upon the cases’ mailing address, Auglaize County Health Department has reported 212 cases in St. Marys, 119 cases in Wapakoneta, 54 cases in Minster, 54 cases in New Bremen, 25 cases in Cridersville, 12 cases in Waynesfield, three cases in Botkins, four cases in New Knoxville, one case in New Hampshire, two cases in Uniopolis, two in St. Johns and two cases in Lakeview.

Miami County Public Health has 1,113 positive cases with 14 new cases. Miami County has had 118 total hospitalizations with one new hospitalization, and 44 deaths. There are 908 people who are presumed recovered from the virus.

The Darke County General Health District reported the county has 661 positive cases with 67 hospitalizations. There have been 36 deaths, and 526 people have recovered. There are 93 active cases with 14 new cases reported Wednesday.

Logan County has had 251 total cases of COVID-19. There are seven current hospitalizations. There are 200 recovered cases and 40 active cases. Two people have died in the county.

In Friday’s update from the state, it was announced Ohio has 128,444 cases of COVID-19. Of those cases, 13,731 have been hospitalized with 3,022 admitted to the ICU. There have been 4,248 deaths related to COVID-19 in Ohio. A total of 107,083 residents are presumed recovered.

Of the positive cases, 52% are women and 47% are men. The median age is 42. The age range of those testing posting is less than 1 year old to 109 years of age.

