Out of the past

125 Years

June 30, 1896

At the special meeting of council last evening, the Sidney Electric Company offered two other propositions for a lighting contact. It proposed a contract for 10 years at $95 per light per year, or a five year contract with $97.50 per light per year. The permit council to consider the two proposals, the company agreed to extend the old contract, which expires tomorrow, for another 30 days.


The high school alumni association held a meeting at the high school building last evening and elected the following officers; J.E. Russell, president, Carl Sharp, vice president; Mrs. Nellie Humphreys, secretary, and Ernest Given, treasurer.

100 Years

June 30, 1921

Two hundred ring-neck pheasants will be shipped to Shelby County from the State Fish and Game department for the distribution on game refuse territory, it was revealed today. There may be expected within the next two weeks. It was also announced that 200 birds have been hatched by Game Protector Garwood at the reservation at Loramie reservoir.


Rev. Francis J. Kreuzkamp, pastor at St. Remy church in Russia, has been appointed by Archbishop Henry Moeller, of Cincinnati, to the irremovable rectorship of St. Peter’s church, Chillicothe. Located in Shelby county for some 14 years Rev. Kreuzkamp served for three years at Newport, and for the past 11 years at Russia.


A horse belonging to John Stewart, the teamster, was overcome by the heat on North Main avenue yesterday afternoon. Although given medical attention, the horse died several hours later.

75 Years

June 30, 1946

Consideration of 41 formal applications for the position of superintendent of the Sidney Public schools is occupying the attention of members of the board of education, with visitations being made in several instances to check the qualifications of the candidates.


The Shelby County Real Estate board has received two telegrams from state and national associations urging the retention of at least minimum raises in rents in the county in light of the expiration of the office of Price Administration this evening.


Relief was in sight today from Ohio’s week-long heat wave and destructive rains. With the mercury soaring above the 90 degree mark the past two days, the month of June was well on its way to setting a second as one of the rainiest months in history.

50 Years

June 30, 1971

MINSTER – Mr. and Mrs. Irwin Baumer of East Fourth street have purchased Mary Ellen’s store from Mary Ellen Winklejohn of Celina.

The name of the store will be changed to Eileen’s and a grand opening will be held sometime in September. The store will continue lines of women’s clothes and clothes for infants and boys and girls.


A panel of three judges Tuesday night declared Marylou Schlumbohm Miami Valley Dairy Princess out of a slate of 24 contestants from the 10 counties served by the Miami Valley Milk Producers Association.

Miss Schlumbohm, 19, is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Schlumbohm Jr. of DeGraff. She is a 1970 graduate of Riverside High School and will be a sophomore at Bowling Green State University.


FORT LORAMIE – More than 100 entrants, including six high school bands, are expected as Fort Loramie’s Old Fashioned Fourth of July Parade and Picnic gets under way here Sunday morning.

Serving as general chairman is Melvin Puthoff. Committee chairmen are Lester Barlage, George Martin, Ronald Winner, James Bornhorst, George Bornhorst, Leo Berning, Norbert Seigel, Don Bollheimer and Jerome Barhorst.

25 Years

June 30, 1996

COLUMBUS, Ohio – Relief has arrived – or is just around the corner – for many heavy-footed Ohioans who simply can’t drive 55.

Signs proclaiming 65 mph started going up this week along many of the state’s interstate highways and limited-access freeways that previously were 55 mph zones.


The Shelby County DARE program may get a financial boost if efforts are successful on the part of Sheriff Mark Schemmel to secure grant funds.

Commissioners Richard Meeker, John Laws, and Gary Van Fossen adopted an resolution Thursday morning authorizing the sheriff’s department to participate in a DARE grants program through the Ohio Attorney General’s Office.


These news items from past issues of the Sidney Daily News are compiled by the Shelby County Historical Society (937-498-1653) as a public service to the community. Local history on the Internet! www.shelbycountyhistory.org