Plans continue for new bike path

NEW BREMEN – Plans for a new bike path and street resurfacing were put into motion at Monday night’s New Bremen Council meeting. Additionally, waste water utility bills are going up.

Village Administrator Brent Richter said Buehler Asphalt Paving had the low bid of $279,408.75 to complete the bikepath, which will extend from near the YMCA east of town and end on Walnut Street west of town and eventually connect to the Miami Erie Canal path. Included in the project is a crosswalk at state Route 274 and Klee Road near the school complex. A $245,000 ODNR Nature Works grant will pay for the majority of the work.

Buehler Paving also bid $693,373.50 to resurface North Main (from Monroe), North Walnut (from Monroe), Amsterdam, Washington to Walnut. It was decided to combine the bike path project with street paving so that the grindings from the street resurfacing could be used as a base for the new bike path. A Ohio Public Works Commissions grant paid $245,000 toward the project.

Both projects are expected to start construction in the fall.

In other action, Council had a first reading of an ordinance to raise wastewater rates by an average of $17 per month. The ultimate rate is dependent on usage. Mayor Robert Parker said the decision to raise rates is in anticipation of the future need to either repair or replace the current wastewater plant. The EPA has lowered the maximum effluent of heavy metals from discharge from the plant and Parker said they need to prepare for a bill that could range from $5 million to repairs the plant to $16 million to replace it.

Richter also said a resident had requested a second water meter be installed for his irrigation system. The administrator said the home owner would have to have a separate line from the main water line at the street because having two meters back to back would reduce water pressure. He and Amy Speelman, fiscal officer, are to determine rates.

Council approved a first reading to accept $204,812 of general funds and $166,580 in EMS levy funds from the Local Government Funds and Rates administered by Auglaize County.

Council then adjourned to executive session to discuss property. No decisions were made when the returned to open session.

By Sandy Rose Schwieterman

For the Sidney Daily News

The writer is a regular contributor to the Sidney Daily News.