Airport authority approves rent increase

NEW KNOXVILLE – Hangar rental rate increases and approval of the 2022 Neil Armstrong Airport budget were the main subjects of the Oct. 12 meeting of the Auglaize County Airport Authority (ACAA).

Mark Howe, financial officer, received approval for a 2022 budget that showed the airport management keeping expenses in line with income. Anticipated gross profits were $225,660 and total expenses of $224,782, leaving the airport with a profit of $1,528. Howe also reported that fuel sales were strong in 2021. For 100 low lead, 17,133 gallons have been sold already in 2021. Pre-pandemic levels showed only 12,934.59 gallons sold at the same time in 2019. For Jet A fuel, 62,734.10 gallons were sold to date in 2021. In contrast, 46,501 gallons were sold by that date in 2019. In other financial action, the Authority approved a 6% rental increase for annual hangar leaseholders, effective Jan. 1, 2022. The leases are for 3 years. Monthly costs to lease hangars range from $129 to $265, so the cost will increase from $5 to $10 per month.

Tabled was a proposal by an airport technician to lock in his rental rates. Ted Bergstrom, airport manager, reported that KP Aviation owner Kevin Pierrone said he and his staff anticipated moving to full time operation at the Neil Armstrong Airport and was asking to negotiate a 5 year lease with a lower monthly rate of $600 for the first three years and $650 the last two.

The ACAA also approved increasing Jet A fuel prices from $3.98 to $4.03 per gallon. There was no price change for low lead fuel. Approved was a $7,200 contract to May Painting and Sandblasting Inc. to powerwash and paint Hangar E on the southwest and west sides to match the new metal siding. A second estimate of $7,850 came from Tom’s Pro Painting LLC.

In a follow-up to a past accident, the damaged Aeronca aircraft N9149E has been sold and Bergstrom said the anticipated removal date is Oct. 14. The original aircraft owner had elected to take the insurance settlement rather than repair the damaged wingtip. Since the auction was done as a blind bid, he had no figures on what the successful bid was. The airport manager said the airplane owner’s insurance was billed for $545 for hangar rental and $900 for repair of the hangar door.

Bergstrom told the ACAA that they were reaching out to the County Engineer’s office for light-blocking panels to obscure light hitting the nearby Hoge residence. He said they are continuing to actively remove killdeer from airport property.

By Sandy Rose Schwieterman

For the Sidney Daily News

The writer is a regular contributor to the Sidney Daily News.