Out of the past

125 Years

January 21, 1897

George Meeker, S.H. Wright and L.G. Simes, infirmary directors and Supt. H. Guthrie were in Columbus yesterday, attending the meeting of the Ohio State Infirmary Directors Association.


The Logan county commissioners were in Sidney yesterday in consultation with the Shelby county commissioners in reference to the county-line bridge over the Miami river near the Niswonger mill.


The grippe is still marching with its deadly effect across the country. It seems to be gaining ground daily.

100 Years

January 21, 1922

The 20th Century way of cooking, by steam pressure, is being demonstrated at the Thedieck Department Store Co. by Mrs. Betty Tarr, assisted by Miss Hulda Kramer. Sidney people can feel proud that the Wagner Manufacturing Co. makes the aluminum steam pressure cooker that leads all others in perfection of details and results.


Dr. A.W. Reddish received a letter from Adam Miller, of Dayton, a former well-known Sidney resident, enclosing a draft for $10 with best wishes for the success of the Memorial hospital. He also pledged $10 a year for four more years, making $50 in all. This is the first contribution of this type for the new hospital.

A committee for the relief of the poor and needy of Shelby county has been organized with Rev. W.B. Love, president; Rev. Father Augustine Fortman, vice president; Rev. R. Wobus, secretary; and L.M. Studevant, treasurer.

75 Years

January 21, 1947

A 20-degree drop in temperature from 6 a.m. to noon today was reported at the waterworks pumping station as the city and county bundled up in the coldest snap of the winter. The mercury slid downward 36 degrees in the past 24 hours and at noon today stood at two degrees above zero. Winds up to 20 miles per hour were making the extremely cold temperatures unbearable.


Miss Annalee Crusey, professional fly and bait caster, will leave on Thursday on a tour of sportsmen and boat shows that will take her to the west coast. Her first appearance will be in St. Louis on Jan. 25, with the tour continuing through late May.


General George Marshall was sworn in at the White House today as secretary of state, declaring at the time that he never can be drafted for the presidency or other political office.

50 Years

January 21, 1972

Jim Snavely, R.R. 5, Sidney, received top honors in Fairlawn High School’s 14th annual 125 bushel corn club, sponsored by the Citizens Baughman National Bank of Sidney.

Snavely’s winning yield of 174.4 bushels per acre was the second highest yield in club’s history.


RUSSIA – Three new trustees were elected to the board of the Russia Civic Association at the annual meeting Tuesday night. New trustees are Charles Voisard, Kenneth Schwartz, and Valerian Francis. Voisard replaces Lloyd Simon who is retiring.

25 Years

January 21, 1997

Former Sidney resident William Hudson Jr. marked his first anniversary on a transplant list in appropriate fashion.

Hudson, a current resident of Fort Worth, Texas, received a new liver during 4-1/2 hours of surgery at Baylor Medical Center in nearby Dallas.

The 43-year-old math teacher, who has earned national recognition in the field of education, was moved from the intensive care unit to a regular patient room. The new liver is functioning well and doctors are reportedly pleased with Hudson’s progress thus far.


Pauline Barber Bertsch, 91, resident of the Dorothy Love Retirement Community, 3003 Cisco Road, died January 19, 1997, at 6:40 p.m.

She was born May 12, 1905, in Sidney, daughter of Rolla H. and Gertrude (Howard) Barber.

Survivors include a son, Robert W. of Sidney; three grandchildren and four great-grandchildren, and a brother Richard H. Barber of Sidney.

Her brother preceded her in death.

Mrs. Bertsch was a member of the First Presbyterian Church of Sidney. She had been house mother of the Phi Kappa Tau Fraternity House at Bowling Green State University for 16 years.


These news items from past issues of the Sidney Daily News are compiled by the Shelby County Historical Society (937-498-1653) as a public service to the community. Local history on the Internet! www.shelbycountyhistory.org